Thursday 10 November 2011

Week 7

I did these two quick drawings just to familiarise myself with the tone and texture of the object, the first drawing was with pencil and took me 5 minutes and the second drawing was with charcoal which took me about 7 minutes. For my second drawing I did not use any lines for the edges but only shading to make certain parts stand out. This technique worked really well with the charcoal as its easy to get that dark regions and by using a putty rubber I created some light patches. I personally preferred this technique as it was much more fun and professional.

This drawing consists of number of different object with different sizes, shape and texture. This drawing is done all by using charcoal and I used the same technique on the big object as my previous drawing with no lined edges, this took me about 40 minutes. I was very pleased with the outcome of that technique, the jar is solid and reflective and I showed this by the tone of my shading. The glass bottle was see-through so I used the side of my pencil to give it that reflective, glassy tone. During this session I learnt a number of different techniques to differentiate between various objects.

Another one of my drawings made by only using a B and 5B pencils which took me about 20 minutes. The idea of this drawing is to give me a good view of texture and surface. The drawing consists of 3 solid objects, 2 of which is metal and 1 is glass. The jug had a reflective surface as you can see objects on the surface of the jug where as the ball on the side was a solid glass with a slight see-through surface. Again I used different tonal value to give mass and depth to all these objects.

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