Saturday 15 October 2011

Week 3

This is a simple sketch of Richmond Building, I did this only by using 4B pencil and it took me about 20 minutes. I did this sketch just to give me a rough idea of where things lie in a picture; the fore ground which is the big metal University of Bradford symbol, the mid ground is the people moving around and the background is the Richmond building itself. This shows a rough idea of composition and how each object are arranged in a different way. The focal point of this image is the metal at the foreground. If I were to do this sketch again I'd make sure I shade each region based according to their spacing in order to make them stand out and it'll be easier to distinguish between each region.

Here I have got another example of composition from different angle and it took me about 25 minutes. I've done quick sketches of 7 different objects and places, close and far. This gives me a good idea of composition and how the size of an object changes depending on where it lies within that image, as shown on ma 3rd image where the fore ground is the person, the mid ground is people by the lift and the background is the lift itself showing different arrangement of objects, the focal point in that drawing is the person at the front which draws attention.

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