Saturday 8 October 2011

Week 1

 In this drawing I have only experimented with different sketching pencils and just to find out the difference between a light B pencil and a very solid dark pencil 6B showing all the high key and low keys. I have also practiced some simple line qualities and basic geometric shapes as to remind myself of all the techniques used in drawing.

A simple black and white drawing made using B, 3B and 6B pencil which took me about 35 minutes. This drawing mainly identifies the basic geometric shapes of different objects. Firstly I did a plan sketches of all the three objects then when I was happy with it I started shading . The purpose of this drawing is mainly to show shapes, lines and how these are affected when hit by some light causing dark and light patches all showing the shape and depth of each of object. I gathered some random objects from around the room and started drawing, I started off with the furthest object and getting closer showing a good view of perspective. The drawing shows posture of 3 different materials; plastic, glass and clay.All these objects are affected in a different way when light is lit, the glass shows some reflection and some light shades at the bottom, which is quite similar to the bottle of water, however mug showed different shading pattern, it showed some bright and some very dark solid shades.
By drawing these objects I found out how objects made up of different material is affected by light.

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